Turbo Comix visits Le Dernier Cri
16-23 February 2019
Exhibition at Galerie LDC at La Friche Belle De Mai: “Le mauvais Oeil 46: Turbulator” from 19th of February until 17th of March 2019.
Screen printed book “Rambo Mambo Cha ca cha” with Igor Hofbauer, Mathieu Desjardins, Aleksandar Opačić, Johanna Marcade-Mot, Bernharda Xilko, Milica Ivić, Pakito Bolino, Attila Stark.
Screen printed posters: 2 B1 formats by Attila Stark, 1 B1 by Atanas Botev, 1 B1 by Igor Hofbauer, 1 B1 by Aleksandar Denić, 1 B1 by Radovan Popović and Aleksandar Opačić.